Unique and Variety of Bilingual Courses
- 我校外教用英文教授的课程包括:英语、数学、科学、社会学、西方文化、阅读、学习
NSWE offers English Literacy, Mathematics, Science, Social Studies, Western Culture, Study Skills, Music/Art/PE, Electives and Extra-Curricula taught in English by credentialed western teachers.
- 我校中教用中文教授的课程包括:语文、数学、科学、中国文化、历史、地理、电脑信息技术、音体美、选修课及课外活动课。学生在我校轻松高效地完成中国教育大纲要求的课程。
NSWE also offers Chinese Literacy, Mathematics, Science, Chinese Culture,
History, Geography, ICT, Music/Art/PE, Electives and Extra-Curricula taught
in Chinese by credentialed Chinese teachers.
- 我校也在高中阶段提供AP(美国大学先修课程)及托福/SAT/HSK等升学考试的辅导类选修课。
AP courses and TOEFL/SAT/HSK College Prep are offered as High School Electives.