青岛国际化双语教育的先锋 - 新西华教育青岛天山学校(58中分校)国际部
Why choose NSWE? 为什么选择新西华教育-青岛天山学校(58中分校)国际部?
Qingdao's growing number of selective parents are considering NSWE because of its ......
International Standards 致力于国际标准的教育
NSWE mixes the best of a range of selected high quality international education perspectives. NSWE uses a base of an American curriculum that incorporates and then surpasses the PRC Chinese suggested curriculum. Many of our teachers have experience with the IB (International Baccalaureate) curriculum, the UK’s IGCSE curriculum and, of course, the US curriculum.
Loving Environment 充满关爱的教育环境
NSWE prides itself on a caring approach to children, treating them as individuals with varied strengths and learning styles. Our teachers have experienced a wide variety of modern child-development theories and bring those perspectives to the learning environment.
Credentialed Foreign and Chinese Teachers 专业的师资队伍 – 严格聘用持专业教师资格的中外教
Although some schools may use TEFL certified teachers, NSWE brings in only western trained K-12 credentialed teachers who are both schooled and experienced in modern teaching strategies and practices. Many of them have Masters Degree. Our Chinese teachers are schooled in China but also trained in progressive education practices.
Teacher-Student Ratio 小班化教学及合理的师生比例
Student care begins with paying attention to the individual. NSWE has approximately 1 teacher for every 8 students. Our class size is 20-26 maximum.
Balanced Bilingual Curriculum 平衡的双语课程体系
Passing university entrance requirements is almost automatic when a child's foundation is a balance of traditional rigorous but productive Chinese practice and lessons that promote creativity and high level thinking skills. NSWE uses learning standards based on the USA's Common Core Standards blended with IB-based Inquiry learning balanced and with the PRC recommended curriculum. Using both English and Chinese, our students not only learn two languages but Art, Music, PE, Math, Science and Social Studies in a well-balanced manner. We guide our students to be conversant and comfortable in both worlds.
Literacy Development 关注语言能力的培养
NSWE's Early Primary Students become functionally bilingual very quickly. Language development is enriched via Music and Art support.
Solid Leadership 坚实的领导团队
Experienced progressive western leaders and accomplished Chinese education leaders work in harmony to lead NSWE and the school community along its learning journey.
Unique and Variety of Bilingual Courses 与众不同、多样化的中英双语课程
- NSWE offers English Literacy, Mathematics, Science, Social Studies, Western Culture, Study Skills, Music/Art/PE, Electives and Extra-Curricula taught in English by credentialed western teachers.
- NSWE also offers Chinese Literacy, Mathematics, Science, Chinese Culture, History, Geography, ICT, Music/Art/PE, Electives and Extra-Curricula taught in Chinese by credentialed Chinese teachers.
- AP courses and TOEFL/SAT/HSK College Prep are offered as High School Electives.
Cost Effectiveness 性价比高
NSWE’s tuition is almost half the price of larger international schools yet NSWE offers a well-rounded curriculum and culturally diverse experiences to allow students to integrate into a fast developing world economy.
Exchange Programs 多种国际交流项目
NSWE offers paths to learning in the USA via study abroad opportunities - short and long term. The Haverford School, an elite Ivy League prep school, in partnership with NSWE is developing a Grades 9-12th "2+2" study abroad program. 我校为学生提供短期交换生或长期留学美国的机会。致力培养未来常青藤大学学子的美国百年名校 – 哈弗福德学校正在与我校合作中美联程高中2+2项目(学生9-10年级在我校就读,11-12年级有机会就读美国高中)。
After Graduation 历届毕业生去向
Our graduates have been offered places in the following universities: University of Washington, Michigan State University, University of Toronto, Boston University, Emerson University, SUNY at Stony Brook, University of Sidney, Simon Fraser University; Peking University, Tsinghua University, Fudan University, Tongji University, Renmin University of China, Beijing Normal University etc. and many top Korean Universities.
我校最早的毕业生现已经完成西方留学,有的已经在美国工作,有的回国创业第一年就业绩非凡,成为学校的骄傲。历届毕业生升学去向 – 西方大学有:华盛顿大学、密歇根州立大学、多伦多大学、波士顿大学、爱默生学院、纽约州立大学石溪分校、悉尼大学等著名院校;中国大学有:北京大学、清华大学、复旦大学、同济大学、中国人民大学、北京师范大学、中央财经大学、上海外国语大学、中国海洋大学等院校;韩国大学有:韩国高丽大学、韩国中央大学、韩国西江大学等院校。